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Why we tell stories - Peter Malakoff

There was once a disciple of a great Guru.


Day after day the disciple would sit at the feet of his teacher

absorbing his instruction.


Many people would come  to visit

and inevitably the teacher would engage them

by telling a story.


One day the disciple asked;  

"Guruji, why do you engage people by means of stories?

Why don't you  just give them your teaching straight out?"


The teacher answered

"Bring me some water."


Now the disciple knew his teacher to be a very formal and disciplined man.

He had never asked for water at this time of the day.

Nevertheless, he went immediately to fetch it.


Taking a clean brass waterpot from the ashram kitchen,

the disciple went to the well,

filled the pot with water and returned.


He offered it to his teacher who then spoke


"Why have you brought me a pot

when I asked only for water?"

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