I have been reading Rumi
for the pleasure I get from him
Like one enjoys the beautiful countryside
or eats a delicious meal
In exquisite descriptions of the play of life
in turns of phrase and light of image
wonder awakens and I am satisfied
reminded of experiences I’ve had or may yet have
of pleasures I once enjoyed and perhaps may still attain
When reading Rumi
I journey through exotic pleasure gardens
I sit at the edge of the stage of desire
tasting exquisite beauty
I once watched a young gorgeous, erotic dancer
showing her swoon of aahh and oooh
taking all the attention my mind could give
Absorbing the consideration of everything else
as if she was the very vision of God
after many dances
romantic trysts
and exquisite dinners
after beautiful sunsets and walks
fascinating books, discussions
lovely poems, great movies
and occasions
of sweet and passionate lovemaking
It seems
each and every one of these experiences has
left me wounded with suffering
a feeling of failure
never enough
Perhaps that is why,
when I now read Rumi
I hear him talking of sacrifice of self
He is not suggesting pleasure or glorification
It is embarrassing
I went to Rumi
as a fish might go looking for water
All my life,
I have been seeking pleasure
avoiding sacrifice
I do not want to look at inevitable death or old age
I try to avoid all that
or at least its consequences
all the implications imply
I must change my life
I can no longer read Rumi only for the beauty of his poetry
I can no longer read him for exquisite insights
that fascinate my mind with their turning phrases
I remember the gorgeous stripper dancing on the stage
showing her luscious, wondrous naked beauty
bending from side to side
riveting my attention
with sinuous sway of hips and thighs
gestures of arms and feet
and revelations of breasts
In all of this
there is not a single thing that is 'wrong'
Rumi does not sing of a
life purposed to its own display
He is speaking of Reality
Talking of what
more than vision can see
or ear can hear
More that what all my senses
have ever informed me of
or ever can
It seems
I must read Rumi for what he cannot say
for what he has thrown away
I must read Rumi for what his teacher Shams told him
I must read Rumi for what he sacrificed into the fire of life
I must read and remember he gave everything up
like a rich man gives up poverty,
not because he has renounced poverty
but because he is now wealthy
I must never forget that Rumi lost himself
in the greatest wealth of all
I will read him and listen for the terrible mystery
that gave him birth and took away his life
The same inexorable power that
will destroy each of us
and everything we love one day
Like Rumi, I eat the same food in this life
I do not digest what he digests
I must fast to read Rumi
I must develop a great hunger to hear what he is speaking of
I must have a terrible yearning for nourishment
Otherwise, I eat only Rumi’s shit
what he has left behind in a pile of words
and think and feel it is tasty and good
In this way
I am merely entertained
and made comfortable
not radiant and free
The words of Rumi are manure
for my poor garden of metaphors
I am a person
who has not yet done the work of awakening
I am a garden who may in a distant, not-now future
bring forth real flowers
that are now only thoughts
remembered and romanticized
I have read enough Rumi,
that when his lines and verse spill down the slopes of my mind
and out into the feeling lake of my hearing heart
I hear a terrible truth ringing across the waters:
Divine Beauty is in 'me'
like a drop is in the ocean
This is not
a ‘me’ I know or ever can
through sacrifice of everything
I am
Could it be that
What we are looking for
does not dwell in her beautiful breasts
or in her sweet and charming voice
Does not dwell in the luscious curve of her ass
or the beautiful flowing rivers of her legs?
I believe
It dwells there too
I must turn away
from nothing
What Rumi says of what is and who I am
is simply not my experience
I have not found his treasure
I hear only words and see images
of romance and passion
And if that young girl came down off the stage
looked deeply into my eyes
said that she will love me forever and ever
That her heart will be mine for all time
That we will never age or argue
That we will never get sick
And everything will not be ripped from us
in our blissful, blessed marriage . . .
I apologize
but that is how superficially I have been reading Rumi
and all the other Realizers, Scriptures and Truths of what is Truly Great
I have not been serious
I have taken them as ideals
distractions from my own living sacrifice
of all
that ‘I’ has, wants and is
I apologize
for making a cheap movie out of Rumi
I pray
one day, I won’t read Rumi for the cheap thrills of sex alone
for the feelings of the heart's romance
and the mind's ideals
I will read him in the sweat of a desperate spiritual yearning
tasting my own saliva
or Maybe
I won’t read him at all